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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Has HELL started to Freeze Over?

DISCLAIMER: While it is not within this arthur's personal experience  to have physically visited the place known as Hell, based on traditions of  the general populations belief of Hell being a physical place with in the hottest sections of the planet, the only other reference that claims first hand knowledge being the scriptures, I will accept that information as probable fact until other positive, verifiable proof is made available.

If you have been following this blog you are aware I posted a copy of a  fire breathing post I sent to Facebook corporation. Based on recent performance improvements in the return I am currently getting on my investment of time, it appears all hope is not lost  for the brainiacs at FB. It seems they  really do have the capacity to  comprehend the needs and viewpoint of their customer base,  IF you talk to them in terms they can comprehend.  Shorty after I sent  that post, I noticed a slight but steadily growing  increase in the number of assets I was receiving from my neighbors. Considering I have well over 600 neighbors, at last count, that is a refreshing difference. I can honestly say the assets I have been receiving lately are considerably more consistent  with the umber of neighbor I have.

Yesterday evening or maybe it was early this morning, I refreshed my Megapolis game and got a shock like I would never have anticipated.  For absolutely NO apparent reason that this arthur can ascertain, FB set me 500 Megabucks and a free building! At first I honestly  thought I was hallucinating. I looked up at the corner for the count and sure enough there were 52 Megabucks in my game.  WHO would have thunk it?

That's not all,  shortly after I spent the lion's share on finishing up a few projects that had one or two assets to finish  and expanding like it was going out of fashion, low and behold I found 50 additional expansion acts in my  game.  If this keeps up I may actually reactivate some of the games I gave up on.WELL DONE FB! Keep up the good work! I believe there may very well be hope for you as a  continued source of entertainment after all.

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