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Monday, July 9, 2012

Changing the description at the head of the page has been on my mind a lot this last week. This blog started out as a DIY on The Toy. It has morphed into a DIY about home repair,  other projects and life. The Toy is still on the bucket list. I need to order the fiberglass cloth and epoxy to get hull #1 ready to float. For now the plan is fibeglass it, get at least 1 boat seat, preferably 2 on it,  put the rudder  and lee board on on and figure out the sail. High aspect or low is the question on the ail;. Also I'm putting a net between the main hull and the out rigger. Have the out rigger set up and waiting to attach already. The over all plan on The Toy  has gone back and forth between shortening it up, keeping it as is and using it as a banana boat until I do the other hull.
Basically things have morphed into what we call life. It happens. It's all good. There is a reason for eery thing. How things will turn out is any ones guess. That is what makes life such an experience. Things are settling down now that my son has gotten his own place. He is getting set up and doing all the  "newly on his own" things. He has done  amazingly well on some areas that have very happily surprised me. He went from being my son to this full grown man over night. LOL  It makes sense. We are all a lot different when we are not around our parents.
It is rather nice being able to turn on my music  full blast and not worry about interfering with any one else's activities.  Jimmy Buffet is my current favorite vocalist. In between that and working on the boats a bit at a time sanity is maintained. LOL
Have the paper work to get the Challenger registered. Planning on sending that  off this next payday, if not sooner.

Have been working on a way to increase the budget.  Off and on over the  years I've had some ideas that I have jotted down  in various places and have decided the only way to do this is rearrange the order I THOUGHT I was going to get  things done in  and jump ahead to the writing aspect. Have what is basically a childrens book I'm working on to publish on Kindle, once I get it fleshed out. It's a teaching thing but I believe it will fit into the world of boats quite well especially for children who are blssed with a cruising life style.
Will see how it turns out. Once it is done, I believe I will follow in the wake of  one of my newly favorite sailing fiction authors and offer it free for a day or 2  when it is first released.
It's all good. I'm not on the water yet, but I'm slowly making progress.  Decided to check out the Adsense thing I keep seeing. I got the basic placement set up yesterday and already I see ads. That was really fast. I do not know how much it will help but it can't hurt so there it is.  I HATE the need to go commercial but a gal has to do what a gal has to do. My son moving into his own place means he is not paying his share of the bills any more and has cut my disposable income in half. OH well, it's not like I did not know this day had to arrive. It's all good. I've been in tougher spots.
That's abot al for now.

Sail safe but SAIL!

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