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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Here I sit........

Here I sit in midwest America waiting to see how all this turns out.  Dead beat tenants who like  damaging the property but not paying the bill took off, which i figured that was going to happen.  The mail man tells me they finally turned in a change of address so sending that letter is now an easily option. It will save me cash since now I wont have to pay for tracking them down.  They did not go to far I see since I see her car every time I come up to wifi. I do have to wait until I have the cash to file. That will be some time this next  week or so if I can get a new contract on this house. If not it has to wait until the first.   Life goes on.

The up side is we got the boat lifted and up off the trailer so I can do some work.  The idea was to pull the trailer completely out from under the boat.  It would have worked too. The 4 x 4 is not strong enough to support the weight and started cracking so  we had to keep a center support under the 4 x 4. That blocks the cross tie on the trailer from being able to slide out.  I am back to keep the trailer under the boat.  It works. It is not as comfortable as not having the trailer out from under but it works.  What all this drama means is I have to rethink how I do the keel. Its a lollipop.  The only thing I can think of to do at this point other then having a boat place lift it and drop the keel out is  we put jacks and boards under it,  drop it down on the jacks and let it land on the board and slide it down to the ground on my car ramps. Re install is a simple reversal of all that.
I have some thoughts on how to get the keel to electricity to use the grinder. That part is not to hard if I can do it. The bottom of the boat is  pretty close to being clean of old paint but in a few spots there is still this faint residue.  Same times I think it is from the under coat starting to show through the thin parts of the gel coat..  The bottom paint itself sands off pretty fast even with just using the sponge sanders I got. More and more I'm thinking it is just a spot that the gel coat is really thin shining through.
The bad news is no electric.   This is what i GET FOR NOT GETTING A DEPOSIT WITH THE DOWN. LIVE AND LEARN. Have been wiping it down with  acetone and hand sanding the thin layer of residue off in every place I can. Have been exploring the idea of plugging my sander into the  inverter in the van. so far the  battery does not want to charge enough to support that. Does that have any thing to do with the bad repair job recently got? I don't know.  I need to check it out.
 I keep forgetting my passwords and now I have other issues on all that so it has been quite the month.  This too will pass!

FINALLY have the storage and house ready to load. I figure if I REALLY had to I could be completely loaded and gone in  maybe 5 hours if I had to do it all by myself.  That IS taking my own sweet time of course. If I had energetic help, I figure one hour tops.

Took some photos. Am sitting here waiting for you tube to finish uploading. Once that is done  if they turned out decent I will post links.
Other then all that not a lot happening.  Sail safe but get out there and sail!

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