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Friday, July 18, 2014

Facebook games: Dear Corporate

If you are a player and agree with this , copy,  paste and send a message to  to Facebook.

UPDATE: Less then 20 miniy=ureas afgter I postd this to facebooks page I received an emal form them offering me a " special".  Here is my response.

dear sir or madam, did you get my message I sent to Face book?  Why would you think emailing me is going to change my mind? increasing your aggression in marketing is not going to fix this!

On Friday, July 18, 2014 3:51 PM, Megapolis by Social Quantum <> wrote:

Original post.

Dear Sir or Madam July 18, 2014

I am writing you to share my thoughts as a consumer and point out some major marketing FUBAR's.
Your goal is profit, same as any corporation. Your market is face book gamers. Failure to adjust to the constantly changing needs of your customer base in this economy is corporate suicide. It is obvious to me that you do not understand the psychological affect of current corporate policy, on your customer base. P.T. Barnum understood the value of a handful of nickles. Perhaps no one in your corporation is old enough to remember his business. His best known enterprise was the Barnum and BaileyCircus. Other corporations that understand this would be Walmart, McDonalds and other fast food corporations. These company stay in business making a HUGE profit because they know how to LISTEN to the customers. I have noticed that complaints on the forums go unheeded completely. You need in house input and if you are not going to do it thru the forums, may I strongly suggest you hire people who have lived the “ uneducated and dead broke” lifestyle as a consultant full time to compensate for the fact your current people have no clue as to how to meet this need due to no experience in this demographic.

Over the years I have played and quit many facebook games. I play video games to have fun in my spare time. Realizing it was just a cash cow for you took some of the fun out of playing so I quit. I have picked up playing off and on over the years. Recently I started playing megaoplis. I knew it's just a cash cow to you, but I figured what the heck it is something to do. Recently I have realized your cutting off the single largest growing demograpic group in your marketing base. You are sabotaging your customer base by cutting off the poor.

Just like there is old money and the new rich, there are the old poor and the new poor. Even the old poor want to have fun and some of them actually have the technology to be able to play online games such as facebook. You have however taken out the fun by making it to hard to have fun while playing and losing the customers that send gifts to those who have cash for things like megabucks. I speak from experience as one who has been there and lived that lifestyle. Yes, I am referring to even some who live in the homeless camps that spread across this nation.

The new poor have spending habits that they want to be able to continue even if they have to cut back on how much they spend. Playing online games have become a natural part of that. They want to keep “ normal” in their life as much as is possible. “Normal” fun for many of them includes playing online games.

People play online games to have fun and to fill asperations that real life attempts to destroy. Games are a way to meet the inner need to successfully accomplish a challenge that is reachable. This does not include the demographic of children who play but get frustrated easily so they quit. By sabotaging these three items, you are literally driving away the customers that contribute to your bottom line.

Case in point: Me. I don't know if you can track how much each person spends on things like megabucks, but as a matter of fact I dropped a couple of hundered dollars in this game over a couple of months. I want to say three to four hundred. Then I realized it was a never ending story and that there is always going to be assets I want to get that would always cost money so I slowed down signigicantly. The plan was when I wanted to hurry up and finish a particualr poject I would buy megabuks. I even expanded my neighbors list to compensate for the fact you raised prices so much I decided it was not worth it. Now someone has significantly slashed the return I should have gotten on my investment of time by limiting my available gifts to such a paltry amount that it is literally becoming a JOB to play. By destroying the “ fun factor” you are reducing your own customer base. If you can track activity of players you will see I am slowly spending less and less time playing. It is not nearly as much fun as it was when I started.

The practice of having gifts automatically go to projects I did NOT chose to start is another way the fun factor is being destroyed. If you insist on doing that, give the player the option of moving assets from one project to another. Yes, I see the “special offers”. That is not enough compensation for having my gifts ripped off to make me pay money to replace the fun your company removed.
Also you need to add a “ are you sure you want to spend this megabucks” on assets. The way it is set up now if te player acidenlty hits the add assets buttoin to many times it automatically spends megabuicks we are saving up to use on other items such as expansion.

You will, no doubt have a steady stream of new customers to replace the lose of profits. That fact does not cancel out the cold hard fact that corporate growth is hindered. Any thing that hinders a growing custmer base hinders profit. As the economy gets tougher and more customers get into harder economic times, you lose money. If you do not start accomodating the growing demographic of the new poor, your company will be guilty of breaking the single largest corporate commandment in history.


Barbie Rede


Steve Silbiger said...

Hi B Reed,

This is Steve, the Ten Day MBA, thank so much for kind review of my book on Amazon. I hope that the book really helps you out.


Steve Silbiger

UseDaGreyMatter said...

Is a good book. Now all I have to do is finish reading it, then repeat! LOL