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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Who, What, Where, When , How and WHy?

Who? Me,
What? Is a given. The what is what do I do? That was decided long ago. I am getting my butt on the water in a boat. 
Where? That is probably going to be the gulf coast although I have my reservations about it. 
When ? ASAP
 How? This is the question that has been unanswered. 
Why? Because I can.

Progress: I have house under a rent to own contract. Locally, an old house, in this neighborhood, does not be bring near as much as it is worth unless you do a rent to own contract.  Its a good thing. The ONLY draw back is you don't have this nice sized nest egg to just go get every thing taken care of at once. 
I have been renting out the drive way from the people who are renting my house as a viable means to a compromise. 
It works. The on land bucket list is down to a few misc items on van, tires for boat trailer and  the bottom job and keel work on the boat. Being here is getting a bit old,

Have checked out cost of being on the hard in a boat yard. OUCH! Lesson learned?  Boat yards are REALLY EXPENSIVE! Alternative solution: I put an ad in craigslsit for a spot to land on and do the work that needs to be done on the hard. Bottom job./ paint hull etc. Need to do some keel work. Have a few  hits that may turn into results to get me out of Oklahoma and on my way. Time will tell if they prove out.  It is on my mind to see if what I am taking off of the payments is significant enough for the renters to want me to stay at least 1 more month. Have to have that conversation later this evening as they are both at work. I can do the bottom job and keel work  here or some place else.
 Last month I was literally in the process of ordering stuff from defender when this guy returned asking about selling my boat.  He said he would have the cash in a week or two. I figured OK if I am supposed to sell it and buy something  down south, great! He never showed back up.  I called him . His response was that the money he had been waiting on had arrived but he would have to make payments of 500.00 a month for 3 months. OK I can do that. It would solve a few problems. It would keep me from impulse buying and the associated buyers remorse .  We made an appointment and he was again a no show. I'm figuring the heck with that idea. Sanded out the sole of  the cabin and put a coat of paint on it.It looked really bad. Wouldn't you know the tropical storm down south blessed us with an abundance of rain at that exact same time. It is partially done, Looks pretty good except where water got to it. 
If this guy shows I'm going to tell him he ws a no show so I figured he was not going to ]buy it and started doing more work. If it is meant to sell it will even though 'I'm asking a holly wood price for it. 
 This month when the rent comes in I'm putting the order through unless I have 1/3 down on the price of the boat including extra for the work I have done since the last time he and I spoke. It is jsut that simple. If he shows up after I put the order in, he pays for the material I ordered up front plus the down payment  or I take the boat with me. 
I have the materials list figured out. After I sand her down to bare fiberglass I'm giving her a good coat of  the prep stuff ( I forget the name)  then pruner and  gel coat, barrier coat and then bottom coat.   Once all that is done all I have to do is keel work, finish the rudder , tiller etc,  install the backing plates and put the deck hardware in place. 
Have decided it is definitely time to get the big fan out and point it in this direction. Its been topping out with a heat index of 100's. This rain has brought it down to the 70's but that is  not going to last to long.

The good news is except for waiting on selling a few remaining items, I have van almost done.  I bought new shocks for front. The back shocks are in great shape. Taking it in to shop for shocks to be put in and a second opinion on power  steering noise. Sounds like a new pump is needed. I over filled it not realizing the top mark was for when the van was hot .I did not see the cold fill mark until after wares. That is a mistake I won't be making again. The good news is if it does need a pump it is only 35.00 so it could be a lot worse.

  I bought an angle grinder to use to sand boat with. The rubber disk did not fit. Went back and ended up having to get a 5 inch disk and paper. That was not the worse part. I  had to buy an adjustable  wrench for it.  Now you would think after all this, I was good to go right? Not so, I can get the nut on if I do not put paper disk in it. when I put disk in it will not tighten up for any thing. Have to go back and get that problem solved, one more issue like this and I am taking the grinder back for a refund and go back to using the oscillating sander. It takes forever but I did find a place to buy disk of a courser grade in bulk that might make enough of a significant difference to justify trying to use it.It was taking forever with what is available locally. Four hours to do an area maybe 2 square foot? YIKES! Such is life. 

 On a brighter note. I think Buddie and I are going to be a good match. He is mostly house broke to puppy pads and will  do his business on the ground when we are not on the boat so that is good. He is learning to play fetch. Went to tractor supply on some other business and decided to see what would happen if I let him sniff out the doggie toys, He picked out a ball with a rope going thru the middle, It is one of his favorite toys, It works well for teaching him to go fetch. It took him a bit to catch on but he is doing pretty  good. Found some treats that he actually likes.  He is a milk bone fan,. Got him a  beef flavored raw hide  knot, NOT his favorite, Am going to see if I can find him a smaller one., If that does not work I'm giving up on raw hide treats for him.  

Buddie is  not happy when I am not in his line of sight. He sticks close by but when I am working on van I have to either put him inside the van or on his leash so he does not accidentally get into the road. He dos not appreciate it but him staying safe while I work it more important. It beats putting him  in the crate.  When I'm working on the boat it is not as critical of an issue. I can tie him to the boat ladder and he can see me while I work easy. He is fine with that as long as he has a toy and water. 
 Not a lot else to say today. Am doing the wait thing again. Its OLD but until I have more funds it is what it is. Doing things on a budget teaches you to set your priorities in a big way. It will be fine. I have got this. I just have to wait on it to all come together. 

Sail safe but get out there and sail!

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