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Friday, December 24, 2010


In the area under the cock pit the foam looks good except where it appears gas was spilled through the aft hatch. Cutting that out and replacing it is not a problem.
The foam under the v berth is  a joke.  I have not squatted down to see exactly how much is there but dead air space is not flotation in my book and if the back part has as much dead air space as the part I've noticed this is going to change!
Was researching keels and an across sailing small. I like what he did in the V berth flotation area. It looks like he put a bulkhead to push the flotation area  back a bit ( which if you fill it completely up with foam would not create a lose of flotation) and added a small storage area. On a boat this small that's a LOT of added storage.
Taking the lid off the V berth and checking for mold, mildew and critters is a given. I am seriously toying with the idea of fiber glassing the boards for a more water tight compartment later. I'm figuring on red daubers nest in new numbers in this area. Depending on the condition of the foam chunks hanging them out on the line in my wool nets is a given. Scrubbing out the area is another given.

I've given this a lot of thought. The idea of these misc sized chunks of foam is just not something I am comfortable with. Sure if you hit something and a SMALL hole gets in your hull your OK, but I like the odds of solid foam in those areas. The general idea is take a foam board, ( I already have one handy form another project)  glue it to the hull them line the cavity and  push as much foam chunks in it as I can and fasten them together the canned foam. Yes it is expensive.  I still have the canned foam I bought for The Toy so I'm good to go for quite a ways on this idea.  It' s cheaper and easier  then buying new foam and having to cut it to fit.  That way if, heaven forbid, I should get my hull ripped badly the foam stays put and does not find its way floating onto the waves.
 The sheet of foam I have on hand is lined on one side with foil. I'm figuring this will help on being a better reflection on someone radar even if it is on the hull since at least part of it is going to b above the water line.  It definitely won't hurt.
If there was any foam on the port side it has been removed. I can put a mop all the way down to the berth area so I know it is empty.  The question is where to put foam.  I have been toying with the idea of making a galley like the bigger Macs have that slides into the aft portion under the cockpit.  I have not measured it but it looks to be about a foot wide at top. If I fill in the back  two or three feet that is gong to give me a lot of added flotation.  I just want to make sure to leave a small area against the stern empty for any thing I need to be able to fasten to the lower stern area later.  If I insert more foam above the existing foam under the cockpit that will add even more. There is maybe a 2 inch gap.  To compensate for lost storage I'll open up the forepart of the port side storage and put it to use. The top is plywood so it will not be  a problem. It occurs as time allows maybe even put glass over that in a later project. ( next winter maybe) .

On the starboard side, there is absolutely no foam that I have seen.  This is unacceptable. Where to put foam?   The porta pottie area puts your knees to your chin if you have to sit.  It occurs to me by raising the pottie an inch or two  a person could add foam in that area and tab a lid to it with a fiberglass sheet.  Since storage is at a premium  it make sense to use the spots that are hardest to get at so the extreme stern area once again is going to get put to use. The same stipulation of leaving a small area to be able to access the stern applies.

I am going to have to extend the v berth on at least one side for sleeping, We are all to tall other wise, It occurs since feet being cramped in that tiny area is not a good thing to put a small corners worth in the first couple of inches after I get the bow reinforced.  The question becomes what to cover it with . The plastic panels from home improvement stores come to mind.

Updated book page   Still waiting on two books,. Got a notice saying the Post Office lost a bunch of mailings one seller sent out and apparently my book by Annie Hill was in them.  They are resending another copy of the book. Must have had a rash of lost books since the book about heaving to is late as well unless it shows up today (12/24/10) which was the last date on the projected  delivery time frame.

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